Coping with Covid-19


Coping with Covid-19

How do I get through this?! This is a question so many of us have been asking ourselves, our families, friends, loved ones, and communities. And even as we worry about getting through each day of the Covid-19 pandemic, one thing I see on a daily basis is the resiliency of humankind. Even though we're scared, we help each other....[ read more ]

PTSD and Survivors of Traumatic Injury

Traumatic injuries are caused by things like car crashes, gunshot wounds, assaults, work-related injuries, and falls. Survivors of traumatic injury are at an increased risk of developing PTSD and depression with 20-40% developing one or both disorders. When survivors develop PTSD and/or depression, they are less likely to recover from their physical injuries, which can make it more difficult to...[ read more ]

Identifying and Addressing Vicarious Trauma

At times, it can feel nearly impossible to find the motivation to keep showing up to work week after week, especially after working long hours or dealing with crises and looming deadlines. As health care professionals (defined as anyone caring for the mental and physical health of others), we may often feel overwhelmed with caring for patients who have experienced...[ read more ]

What Is Vicarious Trauma?

            As a psychologist treating survivors of trauma, I have been honored to bear witness to my patients’ incredible journeys and transformations. Along the way, I have been unavoidably exposed to their trauma-related suffering, including childhood traumas, sexual assault, traumatic injuries, loss, and natural disasters. Exposure to my patients’ traumas has put me at risk of developing Vicarious Trauma (VT). Vicarious...[ read more ]